Thursday, August 6, 2009

Aphasia Isolates People

According to a 2004 survey conducted by the National Aphasia Association (, people with Aphasia feel isolated and therefore isolate themselves from others.

The survey respondents said the following:

95% said people with Aphasia tend to feel isolated because of their Aphasia
97% said people tend to avoid people with Aphasia all or some of the time
40% of people with Aphasia had no contact with others with Aphasia

If any of the above statements describe you or your loved one suffering from Aphasia, please realize that you are not alone.

The last statement regarding the 40% of people with Aphasia that have no contact with others suffering from Aphasia is most troubling to me. If you are a caregiver to someone with Aphasia, please, please try to get them to an Aphasia support group. If you live in a metro area, you can probably find a group. If you live in a less populated area, look online.

Go to the National Aphasia Association website ( to find someone in your area to help.

Your goal as caregiver should be to re-integrate your loved one into our communication-filled society.

You will probably need to take 'baby steps', but you must take steps. As you know, trying new things can be awkward, intimidating, and stressful, but this process is vitally important to the recovery process of your loved one.

I wish you the very best in your efforts!

Visit my website,, if you need more aphasia therapy for expressive aphasia. We produce aphasia therapy on DVDs for effective, easy to use therapy solutions.

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